Quantum Healing Methods

These are some of the questions or issues that QHHT and BQH can help with.
Do you have mental or physical health issues that you would like to have help with?
Do you feel that you are walking aimlessly through life? Or are you stuck?
Would you like to know what your life's purpose is?
Do you sometimes feel that you don't belong or don't fit in, and want to know about your origins?
Do you believe that your soul has a direction that it is leading you in but you are having trouble finding out what that is?
Would you like to have the guidance and assistance that your soul/higher self could give you?
Or are you just curious?
Many of us believe that there is more to us than a body and a brain. We already know from scientific studies that the vast majority of our potential is not used. There are debates about how much of the brain is used and it's been shown that up to 35% is used in a difficult mental task, meaning that 65% is not used. And that is the physical brain. Consciousness goes beyond the brain. Similarly, we see less than 1% of the electromagnetic spectrum which is the full spectrum of light. Our eyesight is limited to what is known as the 'visible spectrum.'
What if your higher self has a plan and a pathway that it wishes to embark upon and experience in this physical 3D reality and beyond it? You are one with your higher self and with a better level of communication, could you begin to converse with that other aspect of you and bring your goals together to co-create with your higher self?
Spiritual work can be uplifting and life-changing and BQH/QHHT are effective ways to tap into your unleashed potential. Most of us don't realise what powerful creator beings we are.
I am BQH Beyond Quantum Healing qualified, and a level 2 intern in QHHT Quantum Healing Hypnotherapy as developed by Dolores Cannon. These techniques involve inducing a deep state of relaxation in order to access the subconscious mind and explore past lives, spiritual experiences, the future, and higher states of consciousness. Through this process, clients can gain a deeper understanding of their current life challenges, connect to their higher self and guides, and receive guidance and healing.
QHHT and BQH can help with many things. Of greatest value is the conversation with the subconscious/higher self which can lead to greater understanding of your life's purpose. If you want healing, it can also help with many issues including:
Anxiety and Depression
Stress and Trauma
Physical health issues and pain
Bad habits
Menopause issues
And more...
Areas that I cannot currently help with are:
Those with a detachment from reality (psychosis, multiple personalities, schizophrenia)
Those with significant hearing loss who cannot hear well enough to do a hypnosis session.
It may be possible for those who aren't suitable for sessions due to hearing loss or mental health, to receive help by having a proxy who wishes to help them. This means a session would be done with the person who acts as a proxy but the benefit would be directed to both the proxy and the person they are acting for.
Please see the pages on this website on How a Quantum Healing Session Works to learn about how a session is organised and the page on Dolores Cannon to learn more about the origins of QHHT and BQH.