What is Quantum Healing? It is not easy to define the indefinable but I have a working definition for the benefit of this article:
Quantum Healing is essentially our ability to change our health intentionally and it’s possible to make some changes instantly. Many factors enable us to have a profound effect on our own health. Examples are our thoughts, emotions, imagination, beliefs, faith, attitudes, and behaviours.
We probably already know that we can affect our health for good or ill, but for the most part, we are running on auto-pilot based on the conditioning and programming from our upbringing and the society we live in. At the quantum level, we are also mostly unaware of the minute changes that are constantly occurring. And in the quantum, mysterious things can occur.
A well-known example of mysterious quantum behaviours is the famous double slit experiment where light waves changed their behaviour when observed depending on the kind of measurements made by the experimenter. Some photons behaved as waves while others behaved as particles. This was perhaps an early proof that consciousness affects matter.
Another strange quantum phenomenon is quantum entanglement which shows how subatomic particles can be closely linked to one another despite being separated by huge distances (even billions of light-years). Even with the huge distance between them, a change made to one of them will also affect the other.
You are also made of photons (amongst other things like atoms) and you emit light that isn’t visible. Humans can only see a very small percentage of the electromagnetic spectrum. What we see is less than 1% which is known as the visible light spectrum. Why mention this? Just because only believing in what we see is very limiting.
Once we are aware of how we can affect our mental, physical and spiritual health with every single decision we make, we then need to become mindful of our current state and what we are doing to affect it.
And while we are constantly changing and adapting based on many factors, so is everything around us. We can only step into the same river once. And then it changes and we also have changed.
(Heraclitus said “No man ever steps in the same river twice, for it’s not the same river and he’s not the same man.”)
Quantum healing also aligns with the belief that everything can be changed in the moment. As Penelope Cruz says in the film Vanilla Sky:
“Every passing minute is a chance to turn it all around.”
She could have said nano-second.
How can we explain the instant healing that some people appear to get? Bashar who is channelled by Darryl Anka says that we are changing timelines billions of times per second. That is of course, impossible to imagine. I can barely imagine changing my timeline once per second. But it can help with realising the possibilities for healing. We are not necessarily trying to perform miracles in the universe where we became sick, but merely shifting to another timeline with a higher vibration.
This also explains how a person might become ill again later as they move back to a lower vibration. They might then say that the healing didn’t work. In truth, it is they who decided to be healed. And then to be unhealed. Jesus himself never claimed to heal anyone. He always said something along the lines of: ‘Your faith has healed you.’
I’ve written in another article about how to create a higher vibration, but in short, it involves finding what excites, inspires, and resonates with you and learning what doesn’t help your vibration. Sometimes it is not so much what happens to us as how we react to it. For example, you may have a job you don’t like and want to leave. For as long as you have to remain there, it’s possible to cultivate a better feeling towards that job by creating the thoughts and attitude to support that. Many people (myself included) have managed to improve their working situation by seeking out what they prefer and changing their attitude to their work. As you change, it’s possible that everything around you can then change. It’s an inside job first but most people tend to see their outward life as the thing that needs changing.
So we can see that our current state is not just a sentence handed down to us by judge and jury that we must passively accept. We are changing from moment to moment. The direction that change is taking can be determined by examining our beliefs, thoughts, feelings/emotions and the resultant behaviours and attitudes. Be mindful of your imagination too. Do you catastrophise by imagining everything that can go wrong? This kind of negative daydreaming may have helped our ancestors who had to face many dangers, but can be unhelpful in modern life, putting us into a stressful fight or flight response that often isn’t necessary.
Nowadays there are many self-help books, videos and articles online to help us on our journey. Therapy, if you can afford it is also a great way to make changes but make sure you find a therapist you have rapport with and don’t give up if the first kind of therapy doesn’t work as there are many kinds and what works for one doesn’t always work for another. This journey is yours, not someone else’s and you have to trust your intuition and instincts. Yes, intuition is key; that much-maligned feminine quality that we all possess. Tap into your intuition, if you haven’t already. Don’t let others, including the person writing this article, tell you what to believe. Find out for yourself.
Illness is not just something to be rid of. It can be an important spiritual lesson or a jolt that sets a person on the path to awakening. It can be a choice too. Or the result of many choices. And we always have a choice in how we face up to our health and the amount of responsibility we take. Read ‘responsibility’ as ‘ability to respond’. There is no judgment at the quantum level.
In my next article, I will write about Quantum Healing and the Placebo Effect. This is because some scientists have dismissed quantum healing as just being a placebo. But is that really the put-down that it’s meant to be?
Luminis Therapy is run by Rachel Knox. She gained Level 1 Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique (QHHT) in 2023 and qualified as a Beyond Quantum Healing (BQH) practitioner in March 2024. She is currently working on Level 2 QHHT certification and offering free QHHT sessions during her internship for most of 2024. She also has a diploma in Cognitive Behavioural Hypnotherapy from 2022, and is currently studying Spirit Releasement Therapy and Crystal Healing.
QHHT sessions can only be done in person, but BQH can be done online.
Beyond Quantum Healing (BQH) is another kind of Quantum Healing Hypnosis developed by Candace Craw Goldman, a senior student of Dolores Cannon. BQH differs in that online sessions are possible.
Luminis Therapy is located in a peaceful place in the rainy hills of Southern Scotland, UK. Please get in touch through my contact page if you are interested in a BQH or QHHT session or email luminis.therapy@gmail.com