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21 Ways to Raise Your Vibration


Everything is energy.

Anything is possible.

But we live within limitations created by our time growing up on this planet. Authorities and ruling classes have created and maintained our feelings of lack and limitation with the intention of keeping most people in a state of powerlessness and poverty.

Fighting and negativity only feed into the programs that are already in operation even if we are trying to fight against poverty, dictatorships, planetary destruction, and genocide. The best way to fight is paradoxically not to fight, but to transcend. The dark will be cleared out when the light is strong enough. Raising our vibration is the most important thing we can do to help ourselves and all those around us. The Light is always stronger than the dark. With that in mind…

21 Ways to Raise Your Vibration:

1. Spiritual practice with a positive intention is the most powerful way to raise your vibration, e.g. prayer, connecting with higher vibrations by inviting guides, deities, and light beings, doing breathwork to raise positive energy, meditation, and chanting. Make sure you set your intention at the start and invite only the highest vibrations and highest good into your practice space. At the end, it’s good to close the field you’ve opened and dedicate any merit to the enlightenment of all beings.

2. Uplifting music can be a very spiritual and powerful way to elevate you and your energy. I love the Interstellar soundtrack and have used ‘Cornfield Chase’ specifically to raise my vibe. Other methods such as playing instruments, attending drumming circles and sound baths can also be great ways to release, heal, and raise your vibration.

3. It’s obvious, but take a walk in nature, it will have a healing effect and help disperse negative energy.

4. Go visit some trees. Trees have consciousness and are similar to humans in that they are upright antennae connecting the heavens to the earth. There are also guardian spirits associated with trees. I have a lovely big old horse chestnut tree near me which has a Buddha statue sitting in a crevice in its trunk. Old trees can have a powerful energy. If it didn’t rain so much in Scotland, I would be sitting near the trees more often.

5. Walk or sit near the sea, a lake, river or stream, or any clean running water. The negative ions are good for you. If there is no natural body of water near you, a refreshing shower or sitting by a fountain can be a good alternative.

6. Spend some time barefoot on grass, sand, soil, stones, or mud, not only does it give your feet a good massage but there is a whole movement dedicated to the benefits of earthing (grounding your energy), and you can also absorb energy through your feet according to Taoism.

7. Sing along to music that you love, if you’re older (like me) it can be incredibly energising to listen to favourites from your younger years. When I listen to 90s music, I feel the energy of that decade and memories come flooding back. It can be uplifting to indulge yourself in a time that you have good memories of.

8. Dance if you can, or just move in whatever way you’re intuitively guided to, goes well with numbers 2, 7, and 9.

9. You can clear stale or negative energy by chanting prayers and mantras.

10. Running, walking, or any exercise that requires exertion releases endorphins, endocannabinoids, and dopamine, which make you feel better than you did before the exercise and can facilitate being on a higher vibration.

11. Crystals are the highest vibration in physical reality and can serve many purposes such as aiding connection to higher dimensions, raising your vibration, healing, and clearing negative emotions. They can also help calm or energise you depending on the crystal you choose. I am training in crystal healing and will write more on crystals in the future.

12. Journalling and writing can help clear difficult emotions although too much venting may only make you feel worse, so try 13 if you are having trouble clearing your funk just by writing about it.

13. Gratitude practice. Think of or journal what you have to be grateful for and what you can celebrate even if it is only very basic things such as air, water, food and shelter, it’s good to recognise that which we take for granted.

14. Visit loved ones, friends, and family. Or if you are alone, seek community and connection whether it’s with an animal friend, through nature, through an activity, or online community. You can also forget about yourself and focus on helping others for a little while whether it’s through volunteering or just helping the less fortunate.

15. Or take some time out just for you and practise some self-care that appeals to you, watch a film, play a game, get a massage, facial, or haircut, have a pamper session with friends, spend some time making something on your own, whatever you enjoy.

16. If you’re feeling tired and run down, the best thing may be to just plan nothing and take some time out for yourself, take a nap, or just lie down and close your eyes and rest for a bit. You should wake up feeling refreshed. Alternatively, use meditation or self-hypnosis as a way to rest deeply if you don’t want to nap.

17. Cleanse yourself and your space through a spiritual practice such as cord-cutting, herbal smudging, or commanding anything that is of a lower vibration to leave and return to Source where it can be harmlessly disintegrated by the light. Use your connection to Source as your authority over lower vibrations.

18. Activate the traits you need more of to raise your vibration, e.g. in meditation imagine a wall of switches where you can choose to activate more of what you need. So you might flick the switch for more love in your heart, or more positive energy, more inspiration etc. This works well in hypnosis too.

19. Use a shield to protect your energy when you are out in the world around others e.g. at work, or in urban areas. Renew it regularly (see previous blog post on how to do this).

20. Spend some time doing hands-on work like gardening or crafting to give your body and mind a rest from screen-based work and EMFs.

21. And last, but certainly not least, listen to or read teachings from your favourite (or a completely new) spiritual teacher who uplifts you. There are so many places to find these. I have audiobooks and podcasts to listen to in the car. There are channels like YouTube and Gaia where you can find free or paid content. Look for online or real-life events such as spiritual conferences, courses, and local talks. Books are always great, and nowadays, spirituality is all over social media. Just one teaching that resonates can completely change your energy and your day, maybe even your life.

Try to challenge yourself to do one or more of the items on this list, (or your own list), every single day. Personally, I like having lists like this, because when I am in a low mood, I often find that my capacity to think of good things is diminished. I’m sure there are many more ways to raise our vibration. I would love to hear yours in the comments.

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