Quantum Healing has been dismissed by parts of the establishment as ‘just the placebo effect.’ But what if they are ironically right? Are quantum healing and the placebo effect the same thing? And, is this actually something to celebrate?
In this short article, I intend to argue for the placebo effect being of greater importance than it is given credit for. It is also possible that the placebo effect is what we are seeing when we talk about spiritual or quantum healing. I will also argue against limiting ideas about quantum healing or spiritual healing just because they don’t fit the current ingrained system which favours elitism and disempowerment of the masses.
Just a quick aside. The wealthy elites in Western societies are some of the biggest customers of spiritual healers!
Let’s first define the placebo effect. Many will be aware that a placebo is a healing effect which appears to happen due to a belief in the possibility of healing rather than the method used. The classic example is the patient who receives a sugar pill (but believes they have received medicine) and who experiences healing as if they had taken the ‘real’ medicine. The placebo effect is routinely used to test new pharmaceuticals that should ideally outperform the placebo.
Placebo: A medicine that is ineffective but may help to relieve a condition because the patient has faith in its powers. (Oxford Concise Medical)
I found this definition a bit perplexing as it says a placebo is ineffective but then admits it may relieve a condition because of ‘faith in its powers.’ So, is the medical establishment hereby admitting that faith healing works?
Placebo Effect: A positive or therapeutic effect resulting solely from the administration of a placebo. (Oxford Dictionary of Psychology)
I cannot help but wonder, how much of the healing from pharmaceuticals is also just the placebo effect? If a person has belief in the ‘real’ pill just as they did in the sugar pill, then the placebo effect is almost certainly going to be a factor when taking any medicine. In order to remove the placebo effect from an experiment into the efficacy of a new medicine, would it not be better to test medicines by telling the patient that they are just receiving a sugar pill?
According to Deepak Chopra, the placebo effect is thought to be related to epigenetic activity. That means that it is genes being affected by something other than intentional changes to DNA. The other that we are talking about here is things like lifestyle choices, environmental factors, thoughts, knowledge, attitudes, beliefs, emotions, behaviours, choices, habits and so on. The placebo effect seems to activate genes that promote healing. As Deepak states, ‘Isn’t that something amazing?’
So perhaps it is time to stop treating the placebo effect dismissively. Arguably, it deserves more consideration and study than it has been afforded. The current Western medical and scientific system has generally chosen to favour manufactured pharmaceuticals and a preference for the treatment of symptoms over and above the causes of disease. It is also in the interests of profit-driven pharma that limiting beliefs about self-healing are encouraged in the masses.
Yet the placebo effect shows that people can self-heal depending on their beliefs. If I believe that hypnosis can heal me, then I am basically giving myself permission to heal through hypnosis sessions. It’s not so much that someone heals me, more that they play a part in a co-creation where they hold space for the healing that we both believe in on some level. I say on some level, because often you don’t even have to feel strong belief. This happened in a recent hypnosis session I received from a friend. I’d had a painful leg that had hurt with every step I took. I wasn’t sure of the cause. As with many ailments it just appeared. During the session, I was taken to a healing temple and felt energy moving through my body and especially my left leg as I lay on my sofa in light trance. After the session, the pain was gone. (An aside: Left body pain is often related to the feminine side and also the past).
I don’t particularly identify as a Christian myself but it is noteworthy that Jesus never said ‘I have healed you.’ He always said that ‘your faith/belief has healed you.’ This leads me to wonder if the spiritual healing given by Jesus was also ‘just’ the placebo effect. His own words seem to suggest that.
What works will differ from person to person because we are all unique. (This doesn’t just apply to alternative methods; it also applies to pharmaceuticals). Some people may be motivated to seek out reiki for healing, whereas others may prefer to take herbal medicines. Sometimes, we may try many different methods that resonate with us before finding one that gives results. It’s interesting to ask the question, what do I believe will help me? Bashar calls our preferred methods for healing and spiritual development our permission slips. Is a permission slip just another way of saying placebo? It’s certainly the case that my permission slips might not work for someone else and as a therapist, I have to be prepared to adapt my methods to suit different clients. There is no one size fits all.
Now that quantum consciousness is a field of scientific inquiry, it’s clear that some scientists have at least moved into studying the effects of consciousness on the physical and non-physical world. So by this admission, perhaps ‘quantum healing’ and the ‘placebo effect’ cannot be dismissed indefinitely.
Western medicine is of course useful and has its place especially if you are in an accident, or in an advanced state of disease that requires surgery, but there is nothing wrong with seeking other avenues of healing guided by your intuition and intelligence. And no one is telling anyone to throw their meds out. But why not be curious about your ability to find other options for your health?
In conclusion, the criticism levelled at quantum or spiritual healing — that it is the same thing as the placebo effect — may well be true. And I hope I’ve argued that this is not a bad thing. It can be seen as the power of the human consciousness to change things in both worlds i.e. the physical world of form and the non-physical world of spirit. We have been limited and told that we are nothing for too long, by churches, leaders, elites, and the artificial systems that harm us and our planet and keep the masses under control. It is time for us to come into our power as creator beings.
There are many alternative healing therapies to explore. Some work mainly on the physical body e.g. massage, reflexology, herbal medicine, and acupuncture, others focus more on a spiritual level e.g. soul retrieval, shamanic journeying, meditation, quantum jumping, and hypnosis. It’s up to you to choose which permission slips work for you.
Luminis Therapy is run by Rachel. She gained Level 1 Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique (QHHT) in 2023 and qualified as a Beyond Quantum Healing (BQH) practitioner in March 2024. She is currently working on Level 2 QHHT certification and offering free QHHT sessions during her internship for most of 2024. She also has a diploma in Cognitive Behavioural Hypnotherapy from 2022.
QHHT sessions can only be done in person, but BQH can be done online.
Beyond Quantum Healing (BQH) is another kind of Quantum Healing Hypnosis developed by Candace Craw Goldman, a senior student of Dolores Cannon. BQH differs in that online sessions are possible.
Luminis Therapy is located in a peaceful place in the rainy hills of Southern Scotland, UK. Please get in touch through my contact form or bookings page if you want to book a session.