Luminis Hypnotherapy is the culmination of my journey here on earth. I have many years of experience as a single mother, school teacher, nature and planet lover, administrator for various corporate entities and the government, spiritual seeker, hypnotherapist and coach, and I am finally coming home to what I was meant to be.
As a practitioner of the Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique (QHHT) and Beyond Quantum Healing (BQH), I get to work as a healer, therapist, and helper of others. However, my main role as a QHHT/BQH practitioner is to facilitate the healing and empowerment of clients through a connection with their own higher self. So in reality I am a facilitator and 98% of the results are down to the client. It is they who are truly in control.
We are all powerful creator beings from Source. The highest self, the collective consciousness, God, Christ Consciousness, Buddha mind, or whatever you wish to call this power. I prefer Source as it is fully inclusive of all religions and spiritual paths. We are part of one great whole. It is only in our experience of separateness and duality on earth that we have become mired in limitation and fear. We have forgotten who we truly are. We are all of the light, (though some may have turned their backs on it), and we can all choose to use our free will to elevate ourselves and others, or we can use it to harm others (and ourselves by default).
QHHT and BQH sessions can help people find answers by connecting to their higher self/super conscious/Source. One of the most common questions concerns what should we be doing with our life. People also seek help with problems such as health issues, relationships, work, and spiritual issues. Sometimes people have had meaningful spiritual experiences and they seek more information about them. Others describe strange happenings that they want to know more about.
QHHT and BQH involve past life regression in a gentle, caring way that guards against re-traumatising the client or creating false memories. By working with the client’s higher spiritual self, they are safeguarded from seeing anything that will not be helpful to them. Your higher self always has your best interests at heart. The client is always in charge in the session and can turn back from anything they don’t feel ready to see in a particular past life experience.
There is information we need or lessons to learn from the past lives we see. But QHHT and BQH are more than past life regression because the past lives get us into a deep enough place to then connect with our higher self and receive answers to our questions as well as help, guidance, and healing. In fact, the regression is in essence a vehicle to connect to us to the higher self.
It is also increasingly possible to not see past lives, but instead to back to earlier times in your current life, to parallel lives, to other dimensions, to the future, or even to an experience of the Source itself. Although we may have curiosity and want to choose where we go, it is generally best to allow the wisdom of our higher self to guide us where we need to go.
You can also find further information about QHHT and BQH on the official websites here:
and here:
In future blog posts, I will share anonymised case studies from some of the sessions I have had thus far.
Blessings, love, and light until the next time.